How To Boost Your Brand: Digital Marketing Examples

How To Boost Your Brand: Digital Marketing Examples

Having an online presence is essential for brands looking to thrive. Digital marketing campaigns are built to identify and use the best opportunities for brands to enhance their visibility, allowing them to engage with a much higher percentage of their target market, ultimately driving business growth. With the help of digital marketing agencies like I-COM, businesses have a number of strategies at their disposal. As digital marketing campaign experts, we can tailor your strategy to meet your brand's specific goals and help you to realise new areas for growth that you may have yet to anticipate.

In this guide, we will explain how different areas of a digital marketing strategy play roles in boosting brand awareness. We will assume you are already familiar with the importance of having a website for your business, as the following digital marketing strategies tie in heavily with this. If you have yet to realise you need this, you can learn more about how and why building an effective website is the foundation of your business's digital presence on our web development page.

Whether you are a start-up or an established enterprise, understanding the following elements of a digital marketing strategy should impact and improve your marketing approach.

Content Marketing: The Core of Brand Awareness

A website is only effective with well-written content to populate it. While a website can convey the look and feel of your business, the content explains the purpose of it. There are several types of on-site content that are essential for any business to display:

  • Service pages and/or product pages: these are the pages that explain what your business offers, whether it is a specific service or a product that you sell. These pages must be informative, answer as many questions as a user may have about the thing they are searching for, and explain why they should seek it from you.
  • Blog posts: building trust is just as important as directly selling your services. Often, the difference between a potential customer choosing one business over another is their confidence in the provider. Blog posts offer information on specific topics that your business deals with. By doing so, your business can establish itself as an authority on the subject, and encourage your site's visitors to choose your service.
  • Other informative landing pages: to ensure your website is competitive, it must offer information about your business. A strong home page will efficiently display your brand's goals and operations, an About Us page should provide context about your business's values and objectives, and your location pages will allow users to find the closest location you have to them.

Beyond the fundamentals of written on-site content marketing, visual elements such as infographics and video explainers can make your content more accessible to audiences and appealing to search engine algorithms. For building brand awareness off-site, blog posts written for trusted and popular publications can expand your reach beyond your own marketing strategy and provide valuable backlinks to your site's key pages.

Content marketing is a pivotal element of digital marketing that significantly contributes to building a brand's identity and authority online. By creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content, brands can attract and retain a clearly defined audience, ultimately driving profitable customer action.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Improving Visibility

To make sure that written content is as effectively targeting the right audience for your brand, SEO research and audits must be carried out. In practical terms, SEO covers the actions taken to ensure your website is served to your potential customers. By optimising web content with targeted keywords and ensuring that the website adheres to search engine guidelines, businesses can improve their search rankings and become more discoverable to potential customers. This step is vital for increasing your brand's visibility and attracting more organic traffic to your website.

An effective SEO strategy begins with keyword optimisation, which involves identifying and incorporating relevant keywords into service pages, product pages and blog post content that potential customers are likely to search for. For instance, a Manchester-based home decor business could focus on terms like "luxury bedding in Manchester" or "affordable home accessories UK" to capture local and national searches, improving visibility and driving targeted traffic to their site.

Optimising existing website content to be more engaging and valuable can lead to higher engagement rates and better conversion. This involves fine-tuning the textual content for clarity and relevance, and also ensuring that all of a page's elements, such as its meta description, header, and any images are aligned with search engines' requirements for what reliable websites have. For example, a travel agency might revamp their destination guides to include more detailed information, helpful tips, and engaging visuals, which keeps visitors on the page longer and reduces bounce rates. Offering testimonials, reviews, and case studies of successes are great ways to improve upon this trust.

Social Media Marketing: Connecting with Your Audience

Social media platforms are dynamic tools for brands to directly connect with their audience, fostering relationships that enhance brand loyalty and awareness. Through strategic social media strategy, businesses can engage in real-time conversations, respond to customer feedback, and showcase their brand's personality.

Successful social media campaigns can dramatically increase engagement and brand visibility, especially when planned alongside other operations within your business and digital marketing campaigns. This is where we see how the different elements of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy can benefit each other. Blog posts written as part of the content marketing strategy can be shared across your social platforms, and engagement with your audience can provide insights into new services that may be in demand.

Social media campaigns also serve as user-generated content that can boost your brand's credibility and reach. Much of this content is image or video-based, which is highly accessible to many users, and can quickly get across your brand's identity and offerings to large numbers of people.

Email Marketing: Personalisation and Loyalty

Similar to social media marketing, email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing strategies for driving engagement and building long-term customer relationships. However, instead of reaching as many new users as possible, emails leverage personalised content, allowing brands to deliver tailored messages that resonate with individual subscribers, enhancing their customer experience and encouraging loyalty.

Segmentation of your subscriber list allows marketers to divide your audience into groups based on demographics, behaviour, or purchase history, for targeted communications. You could send personalised product recommendations to customers based on their past purchases and browsing history, or provide updates on new services and policies your business introduces that may interest your historical customers.

Regular newsletters with useful content, company news, and exclusive offers can keep your brand at the forefront of customers' minds. Effective newsletters will inform and engage customers, reinforcing brand loyalty and encouraging repeat business.

Public Relations (PR): Integrating Trust and Brand Reputation

PR is essential in shaping the public perception of your brand, which in turn, significantly impacts your digital marketing efforts. Effective PR strategies manage how your business is viewed and ensure that your brand's messaging reaches the right audience at the right time.

Press releases are key tools for securing positive media coverage that share important company news and achievements. Well-crafted press releases can captivate the interest of journalists and publications, leading to media coverage that enhances your brand’s visibility and credibility. For instance, announcing a new product launch or a significant business milestone through press releases can help you control the narrative and highlight your brand's innovations.

Engaging in partnerships and sponsorships with other reputable brands or charities often lead to cross-promotion that reaches a broader audience and embeds your brand within relevant cultural or industry-specific conversations. A strategic partnership, for example, between a tech company and an eco-friendly startup, can align a brand with sustainability efforts, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

Events such as webinars, live Q&A sessions, and industry conferences position your brand as an active participant in your industry’s community. These events provide platforms for direct engagement and enhance brand visibility while reinforcing your market authority.

Beyond these core strategies, PR also leverages tools such as social media to ensure consistent and engaging communication with your target audience. By managing the public’s perception actively, PR strategy complements your broader digital marketing campaign.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): Driving Targeted Traffic

PPC advertising is a powerful component of digital marketing that allows brands to reach their target audience more directly and quickly by paying for top placements on search engines and social media platforms. PPC can complement organic search efforts, immediately boosting traffic and facilitating precise audience targeting.

A compelling example of PPC success can be seen in businesses using Google Ads to target specific keywords related to their products or services. A Manchester-based electronics retailer, for instance, might use PPC ads targeting searches for "best gaming laptops in Manchester" to drive traffic during a promotional sale. These ads can be finely tuned to appear at the top of your target market's search results, ensuring high visibility and attracting buyers actively looking to purchase.

Social media platforms also offer targeted advertising options that can be customised to demographics, interests, and behaviours. A health and wellness brand could use Facebook and Instagram ads to target users interested in fitness and healthy living within a specific age range or location. By creating compelling ads that resonate with their audience, brands can efficiently use their marketing budget to reach potential customers who are most likely to engage with their products.

Tying Digital Marketing Campaigns Together With I-COM

As a full-service digital marketing agency, I-COM combines our marketing efforts to ensure your strategy is as effective and efficient. Our various teams work closely together to ensure that your business objectives are met and that our activities complement each other.

  • Our content marketing team is informed by our SEO team, and both work closely with the web development team to ensure your website is visually appealing and full of valuable content for both your users and search engine algorithms.
  • Our PR team works closely with our content and social media teams to get the most out of any content, sharing newsworthy insights and your business wins with journalists and across social media platforms.
  • Our PPC team benefits from the efforts of the SEO, content and social media teams, pinpointing the areas of your business that can be sent out to your potential customers and boosting each team's activities where it is beneficial to do so.

By working with a close-knit and experienced digital marketing agency, you can launch successful marketing campaigns with bespoke attention paid to your goals and the peace of mind that your brand promotion is in good hands, allowing you to focus on what is really important - providing the best service you can, and enjoying higher revenue.

To learn more about the importance of digital marketing campaigns, or for help planning yours today, simply call I-COM on 0161 402 3170. Alternatively, fill out our online contact form and we will call you back at a time best suited for you.