Switalskis - Headless Development & SEO

Case Study

“We were really impressed with I-COMs approach to the brief and the fact that they talked about the longer-term marketing benefits of a Headless solution.”

Gaynor Appleyard, Head of Marketing & Business Development at Switalskis

+87% YoY increase in organic traffic

The Challenge

Switalskis Solicitors

Switalskis started a review of all marketing activity and assets in 2022, with an overall objective of progressing the business into more of a ‘digital first’ brand.

Switalskis identified that their Wordpress website was in need of updating:

  • To align with their brand refresh
  • Simplify the customer journey
  • To attract new clients and recruits.

I-COM were invited to pitch for the work in Spring 2023, with a budget of £35,000. .

The Approach

I-COM created 3 key work streams to identify the best technology partners and platforms - based on budget, experience and future proofing:

  • Website assessment - how to support lead generation & recruitment
  • UX & UI assessment to establish the best approach to site navigation
  • Recommendations on platforms & hosting

As a result of this process, I-COM challenged the brief, recommended and delivered a site migration, using Headless technology partner, Prismic.

The Results

Switalskis Solicitors

The feedback from the core team and wider stakeholders at Switalskis was very satisfied. The project was delivered on time and in scope, whilst the short-term marketing benefits are clear, as is the longer-term opportunity, in a competitive search market. 

  • The new site ‘Passed core’ web vitals with strong SEO & accessibility scores. 
  • +87% increase in organic traffic (May 23 vs May 24) - the only source of search traffic.
  • Improvement in DA & visible pages
  • Significant YoY Increase in key events 
increase in organic traffic
YoY Increase in CTR
YoY increase Engagement Rate

Digital Marketing Specialists

We are I-COM

Formed in 2005, we have grown to be one of Manchester's largest independent digital marketing agencies.

With a large in-house team of specialists we provide a range of digital services including web designweb developmentdigital marketingSEObrandingcontent marketingPR and outreachsocial media marketing and paid search marketing, we cover every digital marketing need you may have. Call on 0161 402 3170 or use the contact form to get in touch.