Mike Blackburn


What's the Day Job?

It's my job to run the Agency and ensure we grow and remain profitable.

That means I get involved in all sorts of things, from new business development to recruitment and finance through client relationship management and marketing strategy development - a bit of everything. I believe it's my job to ask questions and make suggestions that help us continually improve the work we do for our clients.

I work hard to stimulate an environment where we work with passion and pride, using teamwork and great communication to help us deliver fantastic results, all with a little fun rolled in for free.

Before I-COM?

Following a mediocre degree in Geology, I started my working life as a commercial insurance broker. Having run up a big overdraft from partying too much at University I jumped at the first job I was offered to start to clear my debt. 

I soon realised insurance was not the job for me so I went back to business school to study for an MBA. That led me into a career in marketing and strategy, I joined a major international electronics business working my way through the organisation to become Head of Global Market Strategy.

When I wanted to spend more time in the UK I started doing consultancy work and one of my first clients was I-COM, I loved the business and ended up taking on a full-time role.

When I'm Not at Work

I love to travel and like to feel the sun on my face. I also enjoy good food (sadly it shows in my waistline), the theatre and walking. I'm still looking for the activity that can combine all these things to create my perfect day.